“700, Fahys, and The Page” New Orleans, Louisiana
Music: Pop/EDM Cover: $5/Free Ratchet Level: Low Over the weekend I took a last minute trip to New Orleans. This was my first time visiting so I was curious for the LGBTQ+ Club scene. Sorry to say guys but this was a disappointment. The 3 bars/clubs are within walking distance If each other. Each met the bare minimum of gay establishments so it’s only fair to clunk them in together. Outside of this I am doing a separate review for the locations on Bourbon Street. Each location was on a corner of a safe and quiet neighborhood. I never felt the need to look over my shoulder while walking though I was with a small group. Fahys was the first spot we hit. This is a very small venue with two pool tables, some darts, and bar. I had pregamed so I only got a beer here. There was music playing really low as people mostly talked. Nothing was going on here at all. This place is more for an older crowd. Very typical/traditional small bar. The woman checking IDs had a great sense of humor though. Next we walked a few blocks to 700. This place was larger and slightly more modern only because it had televisions playing music videos. The typical early 2000s pop songs. No one checked IDs and I walked in with a beer from the previous venue. When I first walked in it was empty but over time it began to fill up with people standing around socializing. No dancing going on here. Venue is also just a traditional bar. Last but not least we walked to The Page. This venue was a little bigger than the first but smaller than the second. It was a bit more urban and had a $5 cover charge. It was my turn to buy drinks. 3 drinks cost me around $24 which isn’t bad, but the cups were small and it was nothing special about the drink. We danced to the wobble and saw a few familiar faces before leaving. Overall these 3 bars are cute, but this isn’t where the party is. This is more of a place for gays to conjure and socialize in small groups. Stayed tuned for the reviews on Bourbon Street. Your favorite club critic; Shamel Jones.